How I Make This Stuff
100% Operated by Robb
Hey friends! Yes this is all 100% me (Robb). I'm doing everything from building the website to making and shipping the merchandise! That means a few things...
All Handmade
Everything you buy from this store was made to order with my on two hands via a process called sublimation. Basically I press special ink into the blank mugs and garments to 'stain' them. Its a low-waste process that is non-toxic for both you - and me. In addition I make sure to recycle as much waste material as possible to leave little impact on the planet.
United States Only (for now)
Right now I'm working around the clock to collect the proper legal research needed to do business all around the world. But until then I have to keep things simple and only operate in the United States. Yes, I still have to collect sales tax...
Shipping and Processing May Vary
I'm based out of Detroit, Michigan. And contrary to popular belief, I am not Amazon. When you order something I'll take the blank item I have in storage and press the design onto it. Within the next day or two I'll be able to go to the post office and ship it out. If for some reason I'm out of the blank shirt/mug/etc, I'll immediately place a Rush order for more and make your order as soon as the shipment arrives. This means that Processing can sometimes take 2-4 business days.
Your Support Directly Affects Me
Everything you buy from this shop 100% benefits me and my passion for creating content. Not only does this allow me more freedom to create without the worry of algorithm fatigue, but it also showcases the community we are all a part of! As I grow and scale up I'd like to hire on employees to help me make merch and pay them a fair livable wage. These are the things that keep me going forward - even if that time is 10 years from now.
(listen I have no idea why this page just starts showing the "my machines" page at the bottom - I've tried everything... if you're good at working shopify get in contact with me.)